Saturday, January 31, 2009

OK, here goes!

So, here I am, Eric Enberg, barging my way onto the blogging scene....a few years later than everyone else... The purpose of this blog is to act something like a diary crossed with a place to vent frustrations and to celebrate other words pretty much like everyone else's blog.

Today was not a good day for my wife. Tam really wants to do another adoption. We had chosen a set of twin boys from Thailand, but, instead of being three, they turned out to be six years old. That would upset the birth order with our other children. Now we don't trust the adoption agency that sent us the information and Tam is all bummed out. Something will work out I'm sure, but, Tam is pretty set on this little project and the old nesting instinct is in overdrive.

Evenings reading or blogging(!) in bed with Tam are one of my favorite times of the day. Very peaceful, occasionally funny, and always comfortable. Yeah, occasionally passionate, too. Tam just passed gas which is one of the most intelligent things she has said in the last hour! Oopps, she just saw that last comment.....busted!

The kids are in bed, now. They are really beautiful when they are sound asleep. We have a total of six children. Joshua 22, and Danielle 19 are mine. Cody 14 and Chrysta 12 are Tam's. Ethan 6 and Maia 4 are ours. Only the last four are still at home. But, most of you reading this probably already know that.

I have a wide range of interests and you will probably hear about all of them at some point. Certainly, I enjoy medicine, my profession, though not the paperwork that seems to have become such a part the the profession. I can see why so many of my fellow family physicians want to leave the profession over the next several years. I also am very interested in developing a peaceful, fair, and green future for my children and the children of all others. I am particularly interested in green energy and the connections between our violent foreign policy, cheap oil, and overabundance of cheap/fatty food, and our poor health. Aquaponics or the use of fish waste to irrigate and nourish crops while cleaning the water for the fish is very interesting. I also enjoy gardening, sailing, hunting, fishing, camping, and bike riding.

OK, enough with the introductions.

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